Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on Philosophy of Christian Education - 1357 Words

The education of children has existed since the beginning of time as parents have taught and molded their children into the young adults they desired them to be. Initial training of children was not in a formal setting, although history would see numerous settings, purposes, and methodological changes. Philosophies of education have also changed through the years as various voices have seemed to grasp the purpose of educating the next generation, thus laying out objectives to reach those goals of teaching children. The statement â€Å"philosophy of Christian education† contains much information to be unwrapped. The term philosophy literally means, in the Greek, â€Å"love of wisdom.† In this case, the study of philosophy involves a â€Å"critical†¦show more content†¦Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates† (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). Christian education is not all about what takes place in the formal classroom at school. As Christian educators, we are in a partnership with moms and dads to help shape and disciple their children. It is the discipleship of children that propels believing teachers to devote their life to this vital ministry of Christian education. When it comes to the education of children, there are numerous fundamental factors, to mention a few: parents, teachers, the student himself, curriculum, methodology, culture, and the Holy Spirit. Students must first take responsibility for their own education and desire to learn. Even though this key educational factor is not a prerequisite for learning, all students must eventually hunger for learning or it will never take root in their lives. Responsible teachers must use responsible materials and methodology in order for purposeful education to have a lasting impact. Teachers must use their divine calling and materials that â€Å"are not sugar-coated, censored, vacuous and dry, nor merely politically correct† (Holtrop) to challenge this current generation of students. While secular humanism views children as inherently good, we know that scripture teaches that all mankind to be innately evil, aShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy of Christian Education2082 Words   |  9 PagesE ducation is a matter of discovering what is ultimately real and learning to live in relation to it in a way that produces a life marked by meaning, freedom, and even happiness. Education presupposes truth, even in the most relativistic contexts, because teachers are concerned with correspondence between thought and reality. 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When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you do.† 2 As Christians those should have different worldviews then nonbelievers. â€Å"Any foundation for a Christian worldview must begin with scripture. It is from the Word of God that we receive special revelation concerning the nature of God, humankind, ultimate reality, goodness and life expectations.† 3 ThereRead MoreChristian Schools And Its Impact On The Development Of The Community871 Words   |  4 PagesChristian schools play a vital role in the development of the community and the students that make up the body. The Christian church has often seen philosophy as a roadblock to understanding our true purpose as humans and not a tool for learning what that purpose is. Philosophy is our response to every area of life, because through philosophy we investigate the truths and principles of being. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

British Imperialism During The First War Of Indian...

British Imperialism in India Indian Independence The first war of Indian independence, also known as the 1857 Indian Rebellion, was not the first challenge to British authority, but it was the first to feature widespread coordination with increased levels of intensity. It began with discontent within the sepoy army. Initially, the soldiers were well-paid to keep their loyalty, but the EIC failed to increase pay to match the inflation rate. Moreover, they received the impression that the Company was attempting to change Indian religions, due to the criticism of missionaries in India, previous violations of Hindu religious conventions, and the introduction of new cartridges that were greased in pig fat and beef tallow, the previous†¦show more content†¦However, India would have to pay for the damages of the mutiny through increased taxes. The next major step toward independence occurred with the founding of the Indian National Congress (INC) in 1885 at Bombay. Despite claims of secularism and religious to leration, the INC was a mostly Hindu organization, and in 1906, the Muslim League was formed. Together, they represented the public opinion for swaraj, or self-rule, and served as a way for Indians to participate in politics in response to rising Indian nationalism. One of their first campaigns was the swadeshi movement, a boycott of British products in favor of Indian domestic goods, which won them autonomy at the provincial level. Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), also referred to as Mahatma (meaning â€Å"Great Soul†) Gandhi, entered the INC as its president in 1920. He worked under the principles of ahimsa, non-violence, and satyagraha, truth-struggle, to convince the British that it had wrongfully repressed India, and work together with the them to reverse its effects. From 1930 to 1934, he launched a series of civil disobedience movements. The most notable of these was the Salt March in 1930, to protest the salt tax imposed by the British. Gandhi, along with Sarojini Naid u

Management and Business Context of Bunnings Warehouse †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Management and Business Context of Bunnings Warehouse. Answer: Introduction Bunnings Warehouse was founded in the year 1887 as a limited company but later on changed to a public company in the year 1952. Its headquarters are located in Hawthorn East, Victoria. Bunnings Warehouse is the leading Australian company in the sale of hardware chain; home improvements and the general living products. Bunnings is committed and specialized in offering innovatively created kitchen designs and the splashbacks that are unique in the industry. The company also helps housing project builder customers in color consultancy, building doors, accumulating of BBQ, air conditioning of the buildings and installations of the hot water systems. This organization has two main housing brands; the Ozito power tools and the Click electrical fittings and accessories. The company has grown widely in this business and is currently serving millions of customers in the world and has remained leading in sits market areas (Bunnings, 2017). Definition of key terms Governance Governance defines the established rules, policies, processes and systems through which a given company is directed and controlled. Corporate governance is composed of both the internal and the external factors. The internal factors include the organizational policies, the constitution among others which work together with external factors such as the laws, regulations, and community expectations among others. Corporate governance is a critical concept in business since it helps to establish how these enterprises are lead (Clarke, 2007). Innovation and Entrepreneurship Innovation refers coming up with new ways of doing things through continuous improvement of the existing process, the products or service offered. On the other hand, entrepreneurship usually refers to the organization's ability to manage and organize a new business venture and its willingness to handle the associated these risks related to the investment. Most factors in the business environment are not static, but they are always changing (Lichtenthaler, 2011, pp.138-139). Therefore, adoption of innovation and entrepreneurship is a vital change driver for every business. Knowledge Management Knowledge management refers to the process through which organizations create, use or manage knowledge and information. It explains how organizations can make the best use of knowledge to achieve their objectives. Knowledge management targets to facilitate a smooth transition from those retiring to those succeeding, targets to avoid loss of corporate memory at some point and identify resources and knowledge that is necessary for the organization. Besides, the concept helps the organization to build up and empower others who become the intellectual capital of the organization (Booker et al., 2008). This is, therefore, important for the team since it facilitates business continuity and the overall achievement of company's objectives. Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Bunnings Innovation models can be defined in different ways depending on their nature (Oke, 2007, pp. 564-587). Change is essential for growth and sustainability of Bunnings. The company has made efforts to improve and promote innovation and entrepreneurship. Innovation and entrepreneurship have a direct impact on the business since sustaining innovation increase the organization's sustainability. Through innovation and entrepreneurship, Bunnings has managed to deliver value and quality to its stakeholders. The company has, therefore, managed not only to improve the brand quality but also to extend the brand reach to its customers. Bunnings has increased the number of stores, came with programs that are customer oriented thus increasing the product value to them. Some of these plans of Bunnings include FlyBuys loyalty programs and also the PowerPass offers. These are some of the creative programs that this company has created through creativity and innovation to increase customer value. Innovative branding of Bunning's products and an increase in the number of stores has ensured that the brand reaches most of its customers (Chessum, 2017). Also, the company has managed to adopt technological innovation and accepted to handle the possible risks that may arise out of this. Implementation of the innovation ideas is associated with many risks. An entrepreneurial company, therefore, needs to accept these risks and work out on how to manage them. Bunnings Warehouse has established an online store which has facilitated convenience and easy reach to customers. Online sales have extended the company channel to reach more consumers. This use of technology has targeted particular customer segment and thus increased the market for products and services of Bunnings. Besides, Bunnings Warehouse has demonstrated its support of innovation through the use of technology by assigning dedicated technological expertise to handle technological innovations. This among others describes the commitment of Bunnings for innovation (Neilan, 2016). Innovation and Entrepreneurship have been the key value for the business longevity of Bunnings. It ensures the continuity of the firm despite the change in the business environment thus sustaining the business life of this company. Innovation should be continuous, and therefore there is a need for Bunnings implement the strategy that supports innovation in all ages. Failure to design strategies that ensure change sustainability can cause an end to an innovative culture at some point. It is also evident that innovation and entrepreneurship contribute to the business profitability and the general business growth. Bunnings is, therefore, able to benefit from the value derived out of these new ways of doing things and thus get financial gains out of innovation (Enkel, et al., 2009, pp.311-316). Also, Bunnings Warehouse may face challenges during innovation and entrepreneurship implementation. The primary challenge in the endeavor is usually the failure to align the implementation strategies with the business operation correctly. Approaches taken to achieve innovation in an organization must be in alignment with the company process else the business will face resistance in its course. Also, Bunnings should establish a risk management system to handle or mitigate the potential hazards that may arise out of this course. This can be attained through implementation of the system that identifies risks, perform risk examination and analyses, solve the risk and finally monitor and evaluate the possible risks that may happen again. Risk management system increases the company's entrepreneurial spirit or its willingness to support innovation (Midgley, 2010). Domestic contextual factors Impacting Bunnings Warehouse Political Instability The operations of every company depend on the political state of the country of exploitation. If the political condition of the country is stable, there is a likelihood of the company to thrive well, but when there is political instability, the organization's business operation is affected in many ways, hindering innovation and entrepreneurship, leading to low productivity and the general profitability of the business enterprise. The government regulations Different countries have different policies and regulations that may affect the business in various ways. Some state policies may restrict the general operation of the company and make it difficult to carry out some activities. Bunnings success can be partly attributed to the better government policies in the countries of its operation since most of its operations such as innovation are legalized, and the company has not had restrictions from the policies (Anders, 2017). Infrastructure Locally, infrastructure has an enormous impact on the organization's productivity and the general profitability. Basic infrastructural elements such as transport and telecommunication substantially affect the general well-being of the company thus lowering their profitability. Poor transport affects the movement of people and goods from destination to another while poor telecommunication system affects the information sharing among different people. International contextual factors impacting Bunnings Warehouse The Economic factors The Economic state of the world has the effect on the operation the company. The economic situation of the world is determined by many aspects like inflation, the labor conditions, and cost of production among many others. Companies make more profit when the economic state is good, but their profit is lowered when the economic state is bad. Companies need to come up with the strategies to apply during the hard economic state. Bunnings has managed to survive through bad economic states by its incorporation of the innovation and entrepreneurship culture. Cultural factors The operations of the company are significantly affected by the culture in the environment of operation. Different cultures have different effects on business. The beliefs of the people have the influence on what they consume and thus the specific products which they buy. It is, therefore, important for Bunnings to understand the cultural state of people in which it runs its business so that it can deliver the best for them that meets their cultural demands (James Szeman, 2010). Legal factors Legal factors have a great impact on business since the company must adhere to the established legal system. This includes tax laws, ownership rights, the business registration process and rewarding systems among many others. At times there are some established laws which are discriminative, and this impacts the business operation to a large extend. Bunnings should use innovation and technology to analyze, understand various legal systems and then come up with strategies to handle various legal issues. Conclusion In conclusion, innovation and entrepreneurship are critical to every business organization. Companies should put in place policies that control, promote and sustain innovation since it is the driver to sales. The best way of embracing change is through incorporation into the organizational culture. Companies that embrace innovation and entrepreneurship enjoy many advantages that increase their productivity and give them a competitive advantage. Making use of the latest technology is also the best for businesses to take since it helps them get reach to many customers and of various segments. Also, it is important for Bunnings to understand the various domestic and international contextual factors that can affect its business operation. References Anders Kjellberg (2017)."Self-regulation versus State Regulation in Swedish Industrial Relations." pp. 357-383 Booker L., Bontis N., and Serenko A. (2008). "The relevance of knowledge management and intellectual capital research." Knowledge and Process Management.15(4): 235246 Bunnings (2017).Retrieved from Chessum, Victoria (2017)."Bunnings Warehouse chain to replace former BQ site in Folkestone." Retrieved from Christensen, C.M., Raynor, M.E. McDonald, R. (2015). What is Disruptive website at accessed 05 May 2016? Clarke, Thomas (2007)"International Corporate GovernanceLondon and New York: Routledge,ISBN 0-415-32309-6 Dahlan, L. and Gann, D. (2010). How open is innovation?', Research Policy, Vol. 39, pp.699709 Enkel, E., Gassmann, O. and Chesbrough, H. (2009). Open RD and open innovation: exploring the phenomenon,' RD Management, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp.311316. Gassmann, O., Enkel, E. and Chesbrough, H. (2010). The future of open innovation,' RD Management, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp.213221 James, P. Szeman, I. (2010). Globalization and Culture, Vol. 3: Global-Local Consumption. London: Sage Publications. Lichtenthaler, U. (2011). Is open innovation a ?eld of study or a communication barrier to theory development?A contribution to the current debate, Technovation, Vol. 31, pp.138-139. Midgley, D. (2010). Integrated Strategies and Practical Tools for Bringing Value Innovation to the Market, Wiley Neilan, Catherine (2016)."Homebase to be rebranded Bunnings after Wesfarmers completes 340m acquisition from Home Retail Group - now what's happening with Argos?". Retrieved from Oke, A. (2007). Innovation types and innovation management practices in service companies. International journal of operations and production management, 27 (6), pp. 564-587